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Path for a Martial Artist Your Martial Arts Ezine Issue 11

You are receiving this Martial Arts Ezine because; you subscribed to this Martial arts Ezine, you are a friend of Sensei Kirkham, a friend forwarded this Martial Arts Ezine to you, we added your martial arts link to our page, you placed a classified to our free classifieds, links and graphical links page at http://tutor.hypermart.net/freeclass.html, or you are a dedicated martial artist.

  If you subscribed to the Martial Arts Ezine and do not wish to receive it any longer simply return the mail with unsubscribe as the subject. I apologize for any trouble this put you through.

I'd like to thank everyone for the wonderful contributions of articles, classifieds, and link exchanges. I've, thus far, received nothing but support and good wishes from our fellow martial artists. It is interesting to note that some of the most dangerous people in the world are also some of the nicest people in the world and we do mean world. This is the World Wide Web. Your articles classifieds, quotes, and links are seen by martial artists and martial art enthusiasts all over the world! If you submitted an article and it wasn't in this issue of the Martial Arts Ezine, keep looking. For now I'm just going to stick with one or two articles per Martial Arts issue. I truly appreciate your contribution and it will be used in an issue of the Martial Arts Ezine. In the meantime, because you were kind enough to contribute, I will keep your classified ad and or link in the Martial Arts Ezine at least until your article appears.

  Welcome to our martial arts ezine. I'm Sensei J. Richard Kirkham, your host and editor. There will be no prejudices in this martial arts ezine. We will accept articles from tournament fighters and self-defense specialists. For a short period of time, anyone who contributes to the Martial Arts Ezine can place a free advertisement with us. Who is us? All of you, the contributors, the readers, the advertisers. As I seem to be quite good with web sites, this Martial Arts Ezine will also be posted to http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine9198.html and registered with up to 450 search engines. As another service I offer is to enhance a web site for search engine and sales protocols and register the web sites, http://tutor.hypermart.net/submit.html, to search engines, many people all over the world will see your articles and advertisements. Please keep the advertisements to text only and be reasonable with the length. For now, if you do not wish to submit an article, but would still like to place an advertisement, which as of now, will show up on the Martial Arts Ezine web site and be sent to our subscribers and contributors of the Martial Arts Ezine. I am only charging $2.00 per ad per issue. Hard copies of the Marital Arts Ezine are now available $3.00 black and white or $6.00 in color. Faxed copies are $2.00

As you can see I am trying different formats and I NEED YOUR HELP. DON'T JUST UNSUBSCRIBE IF YOU DON'T LIKE SOMETHING GIVE ME SOME FEEDBACK SO I CAN CHANGE IT. Remember , I'm still a white belt in editing. I would also like to know what you think of receiving links to the articles, classified, free electronic greeting cards, and search engines or if it is more convenient, although averages 50k, for you to have this all right there in your email where everything is accessible right there as long as you're on line. I'm also toying with the idea of sending you half the article and the option for you to continue on the web site. This way you know if it is something you are interested in or not. Anyway some feedback would help me a great deal.

We are now accepting ads of any type. We hope this will help non-martial artists to understand the martial arts better.

 Cost of ads per issue:

Classifieds $2.00 per issue

Banner or business card size as $10.00 per issue

You may send your check or money order to the name below.

  Remember since we have also become a hardcopy newsletter you may wish to include a phone number in your ad especially if you want to attract local business.

You may want to consider printing hard copies out of the Martial Arts Ezine and giving them to potential students or customers containing ads or articles that you have submitted.

Sensei J. Richard Kirkham

466 E. Main St.

Arcola, IL 61910


217-268-3329 Ext. 3


How do we keep this Martial Arts Ezine going and expand it even further?

With your help. If you would forward this to your martial art friends, I'm sure they would appreciate it. Be sure to enclose a note to them so they know I am not spammng them.

If this is forwarded to you by a friend and you wish to continue receiving this, check out http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine.html for details, or just forward your mail to Martialartists@hotmail.com with HTML OR TEXT as the subject depending on how you'd like to receive your martial arts zine. If you receive the Martial Arts Ezine in html format it will be larger, but it will include a usable search engine and FREE electronic greeting card program which can be used AS LONG AS YOUR ON LINE.

If you ever wish to stop receiving the Martial Arts Ezine just put unsubscribe in the subject and mail to Martialartists@hotmail.com.

If you wish to submit an article or place a classified ad put contribute as your subject.

I'll be adding martial arts links to each Martial Arts Ezine page and submitting those pages to search engines. So the more you contribute, the more your link will be submitted!

The Martial Arts Ezine is now in hardcopy! . That's right I've been getting several request for hard copies in newsletter form of our martial arts zine. Anyone submitting a classified or an article will have it appear both in hardcopy and all around the world in this martial arts ezine. You may wish to include a phone number therefore in any classified ads you run for the Martial Arts Ezine. I will continue also to submit the Martial Arts Ezine to a web page and submit that site to up to 450 search engines. The idea of reading articles, and getting opinions from martial artists all over the world is amazing.


Quotes of the day: "I heard that you stopped carrying a weapon after you quit the police force Mr. Scott. Isn't that right Mr. _? Pointing a gun a Mr. Scott Mr. _ replies, "He is a weapon." Chuck Norris Movie.

How about submitting your own quotes. Martialartists@hotmail.com


KARATE KWESTIONS martialartists@hotmail.com


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Advertising Sales People Needed to sell classifieds and ad space in this Martial Arts Ezine Martialartists@hotmail.com 217-268-3329 Ext. 760




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Finding Something Lost

I started down the path of martial arts around the age of ten or eleven after years of watching Kung-Fu theater. I found it all just amazing. I wanted to learn how to jump twenty feet into the air, and fall from five stories up without getting hurt. The flowing windmill and animal like movements never ceased to capture my attention.

  Needless to say, when I actually began to study these arts, I found myself somewhat disappointed. There were complex forms of motion to memorize and properly execute, and most of my teachers dedicated little effort to the shy, skinny kid that I was. After a few years of changing schools, I gave up attending regular classes. But there was still something about martial arts that I was drawn to, I just could not define it. As a result, I began teaching myself.

  Taking what little I learned from the various styles I continued to visited, and adding to it several books on the subject, I began to develop my skills. Not guided by any kind of teacher, and with little guidelines to follow, I acquired certain bad habits, some of which still haunt me to this day. But what I gained far outweighed the damage I had done. Not only did I develop the proper coordination (something I lacked greatly), but I found what was missing from the curriculum of the schools I had attended.

  Proper form is a necessary component of martial arts in general. Without it you will not only be an ineffective fighter, but an undisciplined student. But that was what these schools were solely about; being a good fighter and an obedient pupil. As important as these things are, they are only the shadow of what martial arts truly contain.

  I'm not talking about character development (though that is part of it), nor do I speak of good balance or coordination. These things are already well documented and quite obvious, even to the novice. What I'm talking about is a pathway to a truthful existence. Though studying martial arts alone will not get you there, it is a major starting point. Since there creation they were practiced in monasteries of passive, peaceful religions as a way to gain enlightenment, as well as longevity and health. It was only afterward that their destructive capabilities were nurtured and put into use for war-like purposes. Most modern day styles are mutations of their original counterparts that focus solely on these aspects of their full potential. But the potential remains despite it's lack of use. Martial arts are Taoist expressions of the universe, and a way to obtain harmony with it.

  For those that do not already know, Tao means "the way". It is a school of thought that encompasses all things (martial arts included), and like most forms of Buddhism (which are heavily influenced by Taoism), it is about obtaining knowledge through removing ignorance. The Tao is the source of all things, and all things are done through it; though it does nothing on it's own.

  Though I have never been criticized by my instructors (or anyone else for that matter) for having these thoughts, I have seldom been encouraged for them either. Maybe this is because they themselves did not see it, or maybe it's that they know that it is a journey that must be undertaken, for the most part, on one's own. Whatever the reason, I have never held it against them for this lack of help, but I have felt somewhat sorry for their other students who have no knowledge of it. Some schools teach only certain aspects of the Tao, which is why I must recommend avoiding devotion to one style in particular. One must learn to have no opinion of good or bad, for one is just as important as the other. Some arts are styles of action (like Tae Kwan Do), and others teach a wuwei (non-action) approach to life (like Aikido). Others teach a defensive stance (found in most styles of karate), while still others offer a "sneaky" strategy to subdue your opponents without them ever knowing what it is that you are doing (such as in Drunken style kung-fu). All of these are lessons in mode of thought. A true seeker of the way will attempt to know how to apply all ways; each in it's proper context. In order to live truthfully, one must understand the correct direction to be taken; whether it be one of intercedence, or one of flow. But the secret (just like in martial arts) is to be able to apply them without ever thinking. Strategies must cease to be strategies, but instead must become an automatic reaction.

  I will not expound on this knowledge any further for, as I said, the path must but traversed in a solitary setting. Besides, I am not a master of the Tao, and my knowledge of it's maze of understanding is still only at it's most basic level. I also refrain from sharing what I have learned because I do not wish to cloud the path with my own misguided images as to how things are. I have been known to be wrong quite often, and my vision changes each day as another piece to the puzzle is added. You must find your own vision of a truthful existence, for it is meaning is different for everyone, but it's knowledge is eternal.

  I'm sure that many of you will disagree with me, and that is fine. But to those of you that do, I suggest you take the time someday and contemplate on the matter. The signs are obvious to the inner mind's eye, but they sometimes (if not all the time) defy our logical understanding of things.

Adam E. Migdal

The Art of Martial arts: Theoritical foundations and schools of thought associated with martial arts. From a student seeking the path to enlightenment.http://members.xoom.com/adamigdal/Index.html


The North London & Middlesex Martial Arts Festival for Disabled People takes place on Thursday 26 November 1998 at The Mike Heaffey Centre, Stanmore, Middlesex. It is part of the UK's National Disability Martial Arts Tour. It aims to attract disabled people in to local martial arts clubs on a fully integrated basis by sampling a range of martial arts that will be on offer. For further details please contact Terry Taylor: terry.taylor@dial.pipex.com PS Enquiries about the Festival only will be answered rather than those of an enquiring nature. Terry is keen to hear from martial artists or instructors who are disabled or who are already involved in disability martial arts. Enquiries in particular from the European Union member states would be welcomed.

Will be in touch as soon as my other news (hopefully) comes through. Take care for now...terry


Got your email thru Terry Taylor. I have a FEW dates, you may wish to include in your ezine...... SEPT 12/13 IKA GASSHUKU, Poole, Dorset. SEPT 20 Circle of Knowledge seminar, 12-3pm, £3.50, READING, Berkshire Contact Jim 01189 263080 NOV 1st RICK JACKSON 7th DAN, Olympiad Sports Centre, Chippenham, 1030-1230pm. NOV 8th brown/black belt training/grading, JOHN COX 5th DAN, TROWBRIDGE, Wiltshire, 12-3pm NOV 15th RICK CLARK 8th DAN, Kyusho-jitsu, £20, 12-4pm, TROWBRIDGE, Wiltshire....Ticket only - order now NOV 22nd Circle of Knowledge Seminar, 12-3pm, £3.50, WATFORD, Herts. Contact Bill, 01582 792625


Andy Wright

International Karate-do Alliance UK & European Representative



Add Your Martial Arts Links. If you would be kind enough to reciprocate and add a link to http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine.html, or if you prefer a graphical link the code is

<P ALIGN="CENTER"><A HREF="http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine.html"><IMG SRC="https://members.tripod.com/~tutornow/freeezineani.gif" ALT="Free martial arts ezine for practioners of karate, kung-fu, boxing, grappling arts. All martial artists are welcome" WIDTH="408" HEIGHT="60"></A></BR>

You will be one of those responsible for spreading the word about our (yours and ours) Martial Arts Ezine. As we receive more and more links and get more and more martial arts ezine contributors and martial arts ezine advertisers, some of the older martial arts links may be removed. However, I will add links to the last 10 martial arts ezine pages which had been registered to search engines so that martial artists and martial art enthusiasts will continue to be able to access your link. (No links, articles, or classifieds are related to the Martial Arts Ezine and we are not responsible for their content nor are they responsible for ours)

The Martial Artist's Information Base http://www.techie.net/~corbel/ma
This website includes links to other martial arts schools and info. http://www.infinet.com/~bmorgan1
The Art of Martial arts: Theoritical foundations and schools of thought associated with martial arts. From a student seeking the path to enlightenment .http://members.xoom.com/adamigdal/Index.html
Sir: here is our web page address,,,,,,thank you http://in-119.infospace.com/h.p/shnoozle1
Hello: I found your site while surfing the 'net, under "martial arts" with Excite. My name is Mindy, and I represent the North American branch of Sakura(R) Martial Arts Supply Co., your Local Global Connection for World Class Martial Arts Supplies. We would be pleased to exchange links with you. Our URL is: SAKURA MARTIAL ARTS SUPPLY CO. http://www.sakura-0.com
Hello! I'm a martial artist myself, and recently I decided to create one of my first web sites, so if you'd like to insert it into your page you're welcome to do so. https://members.tripod.com/~grigorythegreat/kung-fu.html and https://members.tripod.com/~grigorythegreat/TaiChiPage.html
I have to admit I was pleasantly surprised! More intelligent, well researched writing than some of the rags on the newsstand! Please add my link - (site still under construction)


Makoto Kabayama

Kabayama Bushidokan

Jeet Kune Do Concepts and Philosophy

The martial arts section of Eric Liao's homepage. Links, videos, and a self written martial arts tutorial.

I think it's great that you're putting out a free martial arts ezine. I haven't had time to read through the articles yet, but I will. I'd like to be added to your ezine's mailing list.


Jade Dragon Online will expand your knowledge of Asian culture through feature articles on martial arts, Asian philosophy, holistic health, doing business in Asia, the Asian-American experience, and much, much more! http://www.jadedragon.com/index.html
Come and have some fun @ Australian FREE Goodies!
Thank you for trading links with the Martial Arts Ezine
We're getting close to nailing this very important aspect of Kun Tao down. Guy Savelli http://www.worldkungfu.com/

Please add my url to your site. We have a great product that all martial

artists can benefit from!

  Fitness Resource Page http://www.netsweat.com
a free bulletin board service. I added our Martial Arts Ezine Link there http://www.halcyon.com/richardc
  The website on Martial Arts: http://www.student.kuleuven.ac.be/~m9209392/Ninja.htm
  Martial Arts Links http://www.hpl.hp.com/personal/Danny_Abramovitch/ma_sites.html
  http://www.submit-away.com http://www.nebulae.net
Media Link's Free Web Goodies Dale has martial arts links and a dumb letter page you have just got to read. http://www.erinet.com/cunning1/tiles.html
Marz Invasion has martial arts links and other links to interesting sites http://www.mv.com/ipusers/marz/
  Black and Blue Productions uvmaster@mediaone. http://www.blacknbluevideo.com
SENSEI RICK TEW MARTIAL SCIENCE An eclectic system of martial arts Private and group martial arts instruction and lectures http://WWW.NINJITSU.COM
BLAUER Tactical Confrontation management Systems http://www.tonyblauer.com

  Martial Art articles by Don A. Cunningham

Thank you for giving the Martial Arts Ezine Permission to reprint them as needed.



 LWC BOOKS http://www.aracnet.com/~lwc123/
 Zen Puzzles - I looked at this myself and loved them http://enchantedmind.com
Frank Thiboutot http://www.wowpages.com/cardiokick

Hi Gang,

Great work on the pages. If possible, can our link be added to your LINKS section?

Thanking you in advance for your consideration.


Steve Fossum

Rick- There is a new discussion group (listserv) just for martial arts instructors. It is open to instructors of any style or experience level. New participants can join by sending a blank e-mail to mainstructor-on@mail-list.com. Glad to see the newsletter is going strong! Cynthia, Turtle Press Martial Arts Books http://www.turtlepress.com

Koo Self Defense International World Headquarters

Koo Self Defense International World H.Q Awards Winning Web Site e-mail: info@ksdi.net A unique street self defense martial arts' training system developed by Master Roger Koo. Visit our Awards Winning Web Site!


Grandmaster Petrotta

Vice President of the World MooSul Kwan Federation

Check out my website @



American Martial Arts Supply - For all your martial arts needs http://www.hand-crafted.com
Graceworld - A cybermall for the martial artists - martial arts equipment, weapons, sword, knives, giftware, health products, tiedye apparel and more. We ship worldwide! http://www.graceworld.com

I enjoyed your page and please add my sight

thanks for sharing your page with me...

Timothy P. Birmingham



  All right that's about it this time. How often will this come out? You let me know how often you would like to come out by submitting articles and or classifieds. We're still in the beginning stages. As regular contributors contribute and regular advertisers run ads we'll know a lot more. I'd like to bring this back to every two weeks unless anyone has any objections. Once a week is very time consuming even with all of the wonderful support I get from you, my martial arts family. Have any suggestions yourself? Let me know.


Sensei J. Richard Kirkham



Second issue http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine5198.html

Third issue http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine51098.html

Fourth issue http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine51798.html

Fifth issue http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine6198.html

Sixth issue http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine61598.html

Seventh issue Japanese Weapons http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine7198.html

Eighth issue Another Martial Arts Ezine http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine71598.html

Nineth issue Martial Arts for Disabled People http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine8198.html

Tenth issue Martial Arts Blocking Drill http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine81598.html

11th Issue A Martial Artists Path http://tutor.hypermart.net/martialarts_ezine9198.html


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I'm still working the bugs out of this search engine, but feel free to take it for your own site if you wish. If you are able to get it working better let me know. If you really want to see my services try this http://tutor.hypermart.net
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